
Figures Of Speech / Ink On The Page 7″

Figures of Speech / Ink on the Page 7″

Copyright Philip Radiotes.
Additional vocals on Figures of Speech by Sasha Evangelista
Saxophone on Figures of Speech by John Paul Labno

Figures Of Speech [peekaboo name=”figures”][/peekaboo]
Ink On The Page [peekaboo name=”ink”][/peekaboo]

[peekaboo_content name=”figures” start=”hidden”]FIGURES OF SPEECH

carve a notch
hide your features
quietly away

key and lock
all your secrets
covered up in shame

behold the hand
you’ll lay your grasp on
as you’re falling undone
theives overhead
we hold a candle to
your fluttering tongue

my legal name
my ego for the  taking
one and the same
one and the same
and unclaimed

kidnapped figures of speech
what is put center in the hand
will be most out of reach
kidnapped figures of speech
what can’t be grasped
is held on to

beast hunting prey
to smother all escape
with hand over mouth
words are camouflage
my insides burn up
as your muffle resound

my legal name
my ego for the taking
are one and the same
one and the same
and unclaimed

kidnapped figures of speech
what is put center in the hand
will be most out of reach
kidnapped figures of speech
what can’t be grasped
is held on to

carve a notch
hide your features
quietly away

my legal name
my ego for the taking
are o ne and the same
one and the same
and unclaimed

no one could be the harbinger of days gone by
no one could be the partisan of theft
you’re the only one who’s left
the only one who’s the left
what you say I take as mine


[peekaboo_content name=”ink” start=”hidden”]INK ON THE PAGE
last night never happened to me
i’ll give rain as testimony
i figured i’d caught you
by the look in your eye
in the middle of a lie
and judging by the document’s draft date
lie low, cry late
a suit and a tie will never act as means
to coerce me into wavering

i’ll sign off
its a pity you keep from crying
i’m crossed
with the ink on the page still drying
while the ink on the page still dries

if you were a genuine theif
a feeling of relief would come over me
i tell the whole thing and you don’t even flinch
prepared to fist fight over every inch
and i’ve got nothing you can take
that you didn’t stand over me as i made
but told from birth by your fate line down
this will only run you back into the ground

i’ll sign off
its a pity you keep from crying
i’m crossed
with the ink on the page still drying
while the ink on the page still dries
with the ink on the page still drying
while the ink on the page still dries

tonight is my night to howl
now that all of the truth’s come out

i’ll sign off
its a pity you keep from crying
i’m crossed
with the ink on the page still drying
while the ink on the page still dries
with the ink on the page still drying
while the ink on the page dries

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