
Now is that a real poncho or is that a Sears poncho?

Now is that a real poncho or is that a Sears poncho?
June 5, 2011 Phil

Hows the luck not too bad eh!  I just got back from a weekend in New Jersey where my friend’s little vintage shop had a fashion show.  BABE CITY USA 90210.  I had a bunch of fun, didn’t really sleep, ate a lot, drank a lot and won a $100 gift certificate that was hidden in the store.  Whoa!  I bought a jacket but spent the rest of the money of rock soap which i am obsessed with because it looks like a rock or crystal or mineral but it’s soap holla!  I needed to get away in order to cleanse myself of the crush vibes I’ve been amassing.  I also bought a bunch of records which I left there cause I’m a bit slow.  Some good ones, I forget them now, hopefully my friend will hold onto them for me.  Her brother gave me a bunch of fireworks too how do you like that?  One of the records was Tunnel Of Love by Bruce Springsteen which I was totally stokin on because A- i was in Jersey aka Bossville, B- my mom had the tape of this album on loop for like 6 years in her car and C- that record is hitting me in emotional right place perfectly.  Watch this video and listen to the first verse about the Boss and his girl buying tickets to a boat ride.  It’s set up is A+….”fat man sitting on a little stool takes money from my hand while his eyes take a walk all over you, hands me two tickets and whispers good luck well cuddle up angel cuddle up my little dove and we’ll ride on down into this tunnel of love”… such beautiful visuals.

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